France Paris Mission 2014-2016

Week 18 - Glory in the work of the Lord (the good, the bad, and the awkward of it)

Well this week has...happened...

So overall it's been kind of disappointing when you look at the numbers we had this week, but you can always find the good things in the midst of trials.

A little suivi (follow up) for you. The rendez-vous that we had with Anselem didn't go through and we have lost contact with him again unfortunately. We had to decide to let him go (for now) and focus on more solid people. We had a rendez-vous with Elsa this week that she didn't show up for, and we were pretty worried. Luckily, we got in touch with her later, and she was obligated to go out of town for work very quickly, but she'll be back in about two weeks. Also, the Fitt's aren't moving! After looking into all the logistics of moving them and getting us a car in La Rochelle, as well as considering the fact that they only have a couple more months left on their mission, President Babin decided it wasn't the right thing to do.

Cool story for you. We were out knocking doors one night and it was FREEZING!!! We weren't having any success and we had about 15 minutes before we needed to head home. But we decided to knock on just a couple more houses before we started back. The first one that answered was a lady about 45ish with two teenage boys. We asked if we could pray with her and she said no with some excuses (the house was a mess, not really interested in religion, don't have a lot of time). But she was still super nice to us. Then she asked us if we were cold, and we just looked at each other then said, "Ya..." so she invited us in to warm up and have some juice. We just started talking to her about who we are, her life a little bit (she spent some time in Florida and really likes the U.S.), and just had a conversation for like 10 minutes. Then we asked her again if before we left we could leave her with a prayer, and since we were already in there she said sure. So we prayed for her, her sons, and her home. Afterward she just looked so happy almost on the point of tears. (She had gone through a divorce recently, moved, was working a ton, and trying to do everything for her sons by herself). We weren't sure if she felt something like an impression, or if she was just super glad to hear somebody pray for her, but she was happy. Then when we were leaving she said, "You come back anytime you want to talk, warm up again, etc." It was a great way to end what had been a pretty rough day.

Now for the awkward part. This stuff happened to Elder Godfrey this week, so I will just copy his account of it... 

"soooo here comes the awkward story of the week.  So it was Thursday night and we were coming home from knocking on some doors.  We were in the bus and I was sitting there minding my own business and just kinda looking around.  Behind me and to the right of me was a young girl of about 18 or 19 years old.  I was kinda just thinking and looking around and I glanced at her once and didn't really think anything of it.  Then to my astonishment she gets up and I thought she was just getting off of the bus but then she sat down behind me and shocked me saying "you have a funny way of looking at people"  being shocked and not knowing what to say blurted out the first thing that came to my mind "maybe" not being used to a young cute girl (that smelt really good) hitting on me.  So being my awkward self i just kinda shrugged it off but then she said "I find it funny it's nothing bad"  at this moment I was just praying that I could get off the bus because I did not know what to say or do.  I think it was the most awkward moment of my life.  Needless to say dating after the mission might be a struggle."

While this was happening I was sitting one seat in front of him just laughing. It was too good! 

Then two days later, we were out knocking on doors in the afternoon. Right next to the neighborhood was a big field. We ducked behind some trees at the edge of the field to...relieve ourselves... before we began working. We then went to work after knocking on two doors a car pulls up next to where we were and a man walks up to us and says " I'm a member of the gendarmerie (national police sort of deal). What were you doing back in that field?" Apparently two guys dressed in black jackets sneaking into fields is suspicious... We just felt so awkward, and Elder Godfrey said, "J'ai fait du peepee..." (I went pee) in just about the most embarrassed and confused tone I've ever heard. Then the guy started ranting about something while he walked back to his car.

We are an awkward couple missionaries...

I'm going to end with a spiritual thought courtesy of President Babin. " 'Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine.' (Gordon B. Hinckley) It is interesting to note that the prophet says  'cultivate an attitude of happiness', as NĂ©phi says in 2 Nephi 5:27 : And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness. Happiness is not a gift it is the result of our will to be happy."

I promise you we can be happy as disciples of Christ if we follow the direction we receive from the scriptures, modern prophets, and the Holy Ghost.

Love you all,
Elder Jorgensen

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